"erotic city can't you see, erotic city you and me" - Prince
random free association of the day: the greatest secret agent in the world. Here's how I got there - cecily's post - "blak iz blak" - mos def - maus maus - danger mouse.
age is more than a number: someone hit me with this question today - "What do you think of a 16 year old having a relationship with a 30 year old?" jiggawhat? What do I think? I think that any adult who can and wants to have a relationship with a teenager is a dangerous person.
Look, I'm 27 and my sister is 15...could I date one of her friends? No. Wanna know why? They still have to count on their fingers sometimes. The greatest album they can remember is *nsync's No Strings Attached. When I say Star Wars they think Phantom Menace...and don't know who Princess Leia is or why Lando Calrissian is a bad mamma jamma. They live at home with their parents. They can still get a 'time out' if they act up. They say shit like "why do I have to learn about the vietnam war, that was, like, ancient history." They still have homework.
I'm 27 and I couldn't date an undergrad in college. The maturity curve is just too low. When the most important situation in your life is how you're going to get your parents to send you another hundred bucks so you can pay your phone bill we have nothing to talk about.
A 30 year old who is willingly putting him or herself in a position where they could even imagine being in a relationship with a baby--yes, you are still a baby at 16--is either dirty, screwed up, or mentally deficient. And probably all three.
Young fella there's nothing you can get out of this except hurt. Think about staying home on Saturday night or renting a movie with some friends. Dinner with old dirty ain't where its at.
your public conversations (my private thoughts) - the sushimac session
girl #1: what do you think about this music? (ahhh, the 'can i tell you i don't like this' question)
girl #2: ohhh, I like hip hop sometimes. This is ok. (yes, it is pretty OK but its not hip hop, ya dip, its house...nobody's rappin' Linda Shaw is singing)
girl #1 (pointing at my open Vibe Magazine slyly...but not that slyly): I can only listen to it once in a while. If I hear it all night I feel like I'm having flashbacks of drugs I haven't taken before (yes, but if I continue to look at your face I'm going to have flashbacks to the botox injections you obviously HAVE taken before)
girl #2: So tell me about this guy. (oh lord.)
girl #1: Well, he's 40 but he doesn't look a day over thirty. He takes care of himself. (5 dollars says his balding and 800 pounds)
girl #2: Oh, I do love a man that takes care of himself. (yes and maybe men like women who take care of themselves. Step away from sushi plate #10 lady...and can we not giggle with excitement every time a plate comes out. Yes, sushimac is the shiznee but the way you scarf and whistle is ruining my appetite.)
girl #2: You said he works with kids too?
girl #1: Oh yes, inner city youths...troubled kids. He really is amazing. (he really is full of shit. Double or nothing says his 'working with kids' is watching pick up games on Venice Beach on Saturdays)
girl #2: I wish I could find a wonderful man like that. (I wish you could find a napkin so that you could remove the spicy sauce globule from your chin.)
girl #1 (again pointing at my magazine...now TIME with Spider-Man on the cover): Did you see that?
girl #2: Oh no...I hate spiders. (and I hate you)
I watched The One tonight. Glad I waited. Not even Delroy Lindo and Rachel Weisz could save a poorly executed decent concept action flick from its own special effects. thumbs not in the up direction.