via RPM.
This is how it works: you get 5 words and with these 5 words you have to write an entry. The words might or might not be related. You decide how to combine them, and how long your entry will be. You tag your entry with 5wordchallenge and whatever other tags you like. Finally, you put the words in bold.
This challenge: flashlight, doldrums, ferocity, wash, recesses
George Clinton and Parliament filled his ears. He was powerless against the driving force of the music, yet filled with strength as he let the funk wash over the recesses of his soul. Normally, he only turned to the Funkateerz when he was trapped in the doldrums of depression. Nothing chases you out of stagnation like an Atomic Dog. On this night, though, he would use the P-Funk as his unholstered bop gun. The ferocity of the drums gave him rhythmic courage. The kind of courage that would allow him to do what he was most afraid of: walk up to a beautiful woman he didn't know in this darkened club and say one word.