Somehow, I've become a panelist again.
I'm joining the "Bridging the Online Cultural Divide" panel on Saturday's schedule. Sorry, folks, no Blogging While Black Revolutions this year. The topic is very interesting, though, and I'll get into it more as we move towards the conference as well as point you to the excellent company I'll be in on the dais.
I submitted my long and short bios for the site and program today. Here they are:
Short Bio: Jason Toney was once a B-Level blogebrity and respected identity blogger. He currently caters to his community of neighbors, friends, and family on VOX and makes websites for Disney Online.
Now, excuse me, Grey's Anatomy is on the Tivo and it be callin' me...Long Bio: You may know Jason Toney from past SXSW panel classics as Blogging While Black and Blogging While Black Reloaded. He blogged at from 2002 til early 2007 but now keeps his thoughts and his community close to the vest on VOX. This is his third time at SXSW and third time as a panelist. It's also the third time he's come with a different job. First, he was working for Bunim/Murray Productions as The Real World ran roughshod through Austin and the conference. Last year, he was here with amp'd mobile launching a now defunct social network that nobody cared about. He quit one week later. Now, he manages teams who make websites at Disney Online. In 2008, he hopes to return to Austin employed by NASA as a Space Cowboy.