"I love you just the way you are. Don't change for me." -- Erro, Change For Me
Nope. I'll change for me.
I had grand visions of doing this as a cool slide deck or something but there just wasn't time for that and, it's unnecessary. I may break out the key themes onto slides later so that I can post them up and remind myself of what I've defined as important for the year but a quick post jotting down what I've got planned for 2010 will do.
We talk about Annual Operating Plans and Strat Plans at work (although probably not enough) and the purpose of them is to define long term vision and short term tactics. Strat Plans generally look five years out into the future and the Operating Plan is focused on this year. You then reassess the Strat Plan each year as you look at how well you've executed against that Operating Plan and what Wins and Losses you've achieved in the process. I like this a lot. It's about focus and metrics and analysis and those are all things I love.
The impetus of this, however, came from a conversation in New Orleans over Christmas. The Lady and I had been discussing the future as we are more and more want to do and I had focused the dialogue around her and her pursuits. I distinctly remember saying, "I want to know what you want to be doing so that I can adapt to that." How selfless of me. Well, The Lady picked up on that and later in the day said, "You know, don't wait on me to figure out what I want. Follow your own dreams and we'll figure out how to make it work."
She threw me for a loop. I don't think I said so at the time but, hey, Tiffany, thank you. I was flying head first into a pattern I've been in in previous relationships, giving up much of my own dreams and goals in an effort to support someone else's happiness. That's not what she + me are about. We are on our own personal adventures that we happen to enjoy sharing. We may walk together hand in hand for the rest of our lives but our feet may very well be on different roads. I have to trust that no matter what decisions I make that are best for me that we'll find a way to do what's best for us.
I do trust.
So, with all that preamble, here's my P.O.P for the year.
Broad Strategic Goals
In my career and in my personal life, I will Take More Risks. Creatively and professionally, I will be focused on Telling More Stories. In all things, I will be inclined to Fail Better and Succeed Faster. It is my 35th year on earth this go round and time's a wastin'.
Health and Wellness
Five years from now, I plan to visit a doctor for regular checkups four times a year, the dentist twice a year, and the eye doctor at least once a year. I will be staring down my 40th birthday and I plan to live a long, happy, and healthy life. That includes regular visits to smart medical practitioners.
This coming year, I will get to the doctor at least once (an improvement over 2009) and by my 35th birthday. I will also see the dentist at least twice (once by Spring and once in the Fall). And, of course, I will continue to see my eye doctor annually as I already do.
I will stay focused on weight loss and exercise. On January 4th, I will re-start The Instinct Diet in a focused manner with the goal of reaching the 200 pound mark (my original 2009 weight loss goal). In fitness, I will push towards consistently doing yoga five times a week by the Summer and cardio at least 4 times a week. I'm also considering going to Body Theory and attending Tae-Bo style classes on regular intervals again as well as purchasing Insanity Fitness but those aren't required yet.
I will increase the size of my weekly deposit into Savings by 33%. I will invest in progressive companies and the one I work for this year beyond my 401k and retirement planning. I will pay down my credit card balance to zero in January and then will target only spending on the card what I'm able to pay off by the end of each billing cycle.
I will take advantage of all leadership and development opportunities afforded me. I will continue to work to redefine product management and development in our organization. By Spring, I will have established regular time in my schedule for strategic activities. I will be much more aggressive in declining meetings that aren't relavent to my work goals. By the Fall, I will have explored some alternative work models for including telecommuting. I will continue to drink the kool-aid.
Creativity and Learning
I will continue telling more stories through this site and my other online publishing avenues. By the Summer, I will explore some other online publishing models that are more focused and professional. I will learn how to pickle things. I will focus my media experiences in the first part of the year around Los Angeles and New Orleans history including finally watching Chinatown and The Princess and the Frog.
I will finally get my passport and travel internationally this year. I will also visit Minneapolis for the first time ever and make return trips to Omaha, Atlanta (several times, obvs), Louisville, San Francisco, and New York. I hope to also find time for trips to Washington D.C. and Austin this year, as well, but those aren't on the required list, unfortunately.
Friends & Family
I will call my grandmother and my sister at least once a month starting this first weekend of the new year. I will see my parents at least twice a month. The Martini and I will finally kick off, at least, one of the following: switching from the great LA burger hunt to the great LA sandwich search; travelling Ventura Blvd visiting restaurants we haven't eaten at before; Supper Club. There will be many more Disneyland trips with the two D-Land crews. February is about seeing Captain EO early and often. I will send more physical cards and handwritten letters this year.
There are big things on the horizon but that's for me to know and you to find out, innit?