"Migrating to a higher plane of consequence." - De La Soul, Stakes is High (Amerigo Gazeway Soul version)
Earlier this month, we wrote about our one word to describe 2011. Today, let's write about our one word for 2012. What word do you want to use to describe how you will approach 2012?
In 2012, I want to go big. Love big. Share big. Care big. Real Gs do real things. Big things. I'm entering 2012 with life being very good. It's time to take advantage of my good fortune and hard work and not let opportunities to do big things go by. To commit fully to great ideas, great possibilities, positive changes, exciting projects, soul-fulfilling ideas, and see them through.
My tendency is to run hot on something in the beginning and then to lose interest/commitment as it goes. This year, I want to see things through to the finish line. If I do...
I understand that when I go big, I can help people achieve their goals and dreams.
When I go big, I can help improve the lives of others.
When I go big, I can live a life without regret.
When I go big, good things come.
Stakes is high, y'all, so I gotta go higher.
Go big. Get big. Be big. Live big.
Let's go!